Economic game progressions for Cach 4 Life

The progressions are economic planning of the stakes and are an important element of the strategy as in the Cach 4 Life because they determine the end of the game, whether it is lost or won.

The benefits of supporting the game with the progressions are:
  - optimization of capital available to avoid disproportionate increases the stakes;
  - certainty of obtaining a useful predetermined minimum in case of winning;
  - increase in the probability of winning
However, very long progressions tend to a high spending in the face of a relatively small gain, therefore caution is recommended and is invited to the use of capital modest because the risk can not be eliminated is a component of the Cach 4 Life.

DateBetSpentWinningsGain% GAIN
18 February4.004.0016.0012.00300.00
19 February6.0010.0024.0014.00140.00
20 February8.0018.0032.0014.0077.78
21 February10.0028.0040.0012.0042.86
22 February14.0042.0056.0014.0033.33
23 February18.0060.0072.0012.0020.00
24 February24.0084.0096.0012.0014.29
25 February32.00116.00128.0012.0010.34
26 February42.00158.00168.0010.006.33
27 February58.00216.00232.0016.007.41